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Dietitians can help your employees feel better,
get healthier and save you money
~ Dietitians of Canada

A large portion of the population is suffering from lifestyle related diseases such as diabetes type 2, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. Millions of dollars are being spent in treatment and consequences related to these diseases.

What does this mean for you as an employer?

Your employees with health issues often miss work, need higher health insurance, may require special accommodations for lifestyle-related disabilities; resulting in direct and indirect costs to you.

Adding a team of dietitians and nutrition programs can offer your company expert help to treat and prevent many of these lifestyle diseases. For some companies adding dietitian-led programs have reduced the cost of health plans up to 34%.

Improving nutrition and lifestyle choices can prevent 80% of heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes, and 40% of cancers
~ World Health Organization

Dietitians are skilled to manage and prevent:

They can work with you to develop specific individualized programs based on your needs: working in groups or individuals, provide seminars and information brochures, or meet with employees off-site after hours for individual consultations.

Are you an employer?

Check out this brief with evidence on why employee extended health care plans should include dietitian services

Are you an employee?

Do you have coverage to see a registered Dietitian?

If you are interested in adding a dietitian to your team or looking for services that suit your company please contact us.

Dietitians of Canada:
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